Join the society!

The membership fee of the Turku Comics Society is €15 for adults and €7.5 for minors under the age of 18. As a member, you will get a copy of the society’s yearly comic anthology, which is usually published in the fall. Information about our previous anthologies can be found here.

Other membership perks 2024:

  • Fantasiapelit Turku: Comics and comic related products get 10% discount when buying products for over 20 euros
  • Turku Comics Store: 10% discount on normal-priced products
  • Access to use the Turku Comic Society’s pin press, A3 scanner, and printer

You can join the society by paying the membership fee to Turku Comics Society’s account FI11 5710 0420 6635 51 (Be sure to write your name in the transfer message section!) and by filling the membership form. You can also come to one of our events or our office to join the society.

You don’t need to fill the membership form if you have paid our membership fee in previous years or your contact information hasn’t changed. You will remain as a member simply by paying the membership fee yearly. If your contact information has changed, please refill the membership form so we can update your information on our Superheros email list and keep you updated on our events. You can also join the email list without membership via this link.